çöp sohbetleri III

Fri. 3 May
19.30 - 10.30

Çöp Sohbetleri III brought people together around the theme of composting. Burcu Arikan, an urban farmer and mushroom grower, led the way in sharing some compost basics and leading people to construct and start a vermi (worm) compost from re-used yogurt containers. 

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çöp sohbetleri II

Fri. 7 April
19.30 - 10.30

Following from our first event in March, Çöp Sohbetleri II brought a new and larger group of people together. Again we gathered around the general question of, “What is uour relationship to waste in the city?”

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çöp sohbetleri I

Sun. 8 March
19.30 - 10.30

Our first Çöp Sohbetleri event took place on Friday, 8 March. We gathered around a potluck dinner of foods - made with waste-less-nes in mind - which included left-over sourdough crackers and pizzas, orange rinds dipped chocolate, and more.

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